5th - 11th February 2024 is Children's Mental Health Week, empowering, equipping and giving a voice to all children and young people in the UK.
Children's Mental Health Week was launched in 2015 and each year, hundreds of schools, children, parents and carers take part. Now in its 10th year, the theme for this year's awareness week is ‘My Voice Matters’.
At The Lily Mae Foundation we believe it is important to highlight the support services we offer to children at The Lily Mae Foundation who have suffered the devastating loss of a baby brother or sister.

Sibling Support Packs
Explaining the death of a baby to siblings can be extremely daunting and difficult for parents, who are also dealing with their own grief following the loss of their child. To make this job a little easier we provide sibling support packs that allow bereaved siblings to remember their lost baby brothers or sisters.
The contents of our #siblingsgrieve2 packs include: Lily Mae Foundation branded cotton tote bag, story book, notebook, my feelings journal, pencils, pen, pin badge, wrist band, worry doll and photo frame.
If you would like to purchase a sibling support pack: PURCHASE NOW
Children’s Play Therapy
Another of our support programmes for siblings is our play therapy sessions. The sessions are run by our Therapeutic Play Practitioner Matt Haywood.
Using play in therapy helps children to express themselves in their own unique way, especially if they are struggling to understand how they are feeling or are finding it hard to put their experiences into words.
To read more about this unique service or to enquire in some sessions for your children: CLICK HERE
Sibling Support Days
Our Sibling Support Day’s enable bereaved siblings to meet and interact with other children.
During the day the children take part in a number of fun activities which includes indoor and outdoor play, animal feeding & petting and craft workshops.
We hold two support days per year. Our first Sibling Support Day of 2024 is on Tuesday 28th May 2024. If you are interested in taking part it is free of charge and you can sign up here to register your interest by CLICKING HERE
We know that our services support children’s mental health following the devastating loss of a sibling. The Lily Mae Foundation encourages the children that we support to know that their voice matters.
It is OK not to be OK! Telling someone and finding the right support is the best thing to do. We are stronger, together 👼🤍